Graceling by Kristin Cashore (actually a re-read but it's SO GOOD)
Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan (I read this post on her tumblr about being judged because she wrote fan fiction and it made me want to read her books)
Silas Marner by George Eliot (I wanted to catch up on some classics and Eliot was my choice)
Careful, He Might Hear You by Sumner Locke Elliott (I read another book from this publisher - Text Classics - and it was so good that now whenever I see that yellow spine I pick them up)
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney (I actually got this as part of a Melina Marchetta Valentines project on tumblr - it was very exciting to get through the post!)
The Circle Opens by Tamora Pierce (I'm gradually working my way through Tamora Pierce, she's written so many books in so many universes that it's usually just down to luck as to whether I've found them in a bookshop or library)
Utopian Dreams by Tobias Jones (This is part of my branching out - into NON FICTION. Deep breaths are needed. I find non-fiction really hard to get through but this one sounds like there'll be a lot of narrative running through so we'll see how it goes!)
All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld (Evie Wyld gets the BEST covers. I LOVED her other novel After the fire, a still small voice so I've been hanging round the 'W' section in the library waiting for this one to come back in. And it worked!)